The No Pet or Animal profile allows those without pets or animals to acknowledge their housing provider's pet policies and restrictions on pet sitting, visiting pets, and getting a pet mid-lease. There is no cost for an individual to submit a No Pet or No Animal profile.
Always have a real-time digital record indicating who has a pet or gets a new pet while they are living in your managed asset.
Each applicant/resident must legally attest to not owning a pet, acknowledge they will not pet sit, visit or foster, and if they obtain a pet they must complete a new Pet Profile which then notifies the property manager.
Catch unauthorized pets to help recapture lost pet revenue by having a legally attested digital record on file proving that your resident knew your pet policies.
Many applicants/residents wait until after they move in to get a pet. Maintain a legally attested digital record proving they knew your pet policies at time of move in.
Maintain a legally attested digital record proving they knew your pet policies at time of move in.
Unauthorized pets can be prevalent in rental portfolios. Catch unauthorized pets through PetScreening's platform and have a legal record that of the applicant/resident confirming they don't have a pet. PetScreening will help you recapture lost pet revenue for all those unknown pets.
See How Much You Can Save with Revenue FetcherEasily integrated into the leasing process so no work is required by the property manager.
Fast, mobile-friendly profile application. Takes under 3-minutes to complete.
Active profiles are shared directly with the property manager.