Unreported pets are a bigger problem than lost pet rent. They’re a risk to not only resident satisfaction, but also the safety of your residents. And that means they’re a risk to your apartment community, creating potential legal concerns and bad resident reviews.
Residents who moved in without a pet may have acquired a pet mid-lease and avoided telling on-site teams about their new furry roommate. This naturally increases risk for the community. Pet audits can help mitigate this risk but are a large undertaking with time-consuming door-to-door checks.
At the 2019 National Multifamily Housing Council’s OPTECH Expo, PetScreening CEO, John Bradford, gave multifamily housing providers and executives a digital solution by introducing Pet Audits powered by PetScreening during OPTECH’s Opening Pitch event.
“Pet audits powered by PetScreening are an innovative solution for managing your on-site pet population,” Bradford said. “Our service streamlines the auditing process by giving you a way to reach all residents through a single, centralized platform.”
A pet audit can be digitally administered for all of the current residents to help a community establish an accurate baseline and better understand their on-site pet population. This often surfaces previously unknown pets and repeat pet-sitters throughout the community. After an unknown pet is discovered, the resident creates a digital pet profile with valuable information such as photos, breed, size, vaccinations, behavioral history and more. The community can recover lost revenue and charge applicable pet fees based on this new information.
Don’t let the company name fool you. PetScreening extends its pet audit service to residents who legitimately do not own a pet. These residents can complete the audit at no charge where they legally attest and formally acknowledge the community’s specific policies such as no pet sitting, visiting, and more. “Having all of your residents complete the pet audit ensures that those without pets understand they, too, have rules they must follow and changes possible sneaky tendencies,” said Bradford.
The information collected during the digital pet audit is securely stored on HIPAA compliant servers and is accessible to property managers from a centralized dashboard, giving property managers more data surrounding the pet population in their communities, thus allowing them to make more informed business decisions and generate significant revenue.
In addition to its pet audit offering, PetScreening also empowers property managers to outsource their household pet risk assessment and assistance animal validation processes at no charge to the housing provider or animal owner. There is a nominal annual fee for household pet owners to create a digital Pet Profile that they can share with their housing provider, vet, groomer, pet sitting service, or any other pet service provider that may request their pet’s information. And at no charge to the housing provider, PetScreening is a no-brainer solution for multifamily housing managers and executives at OPTECH and beyond.